Mikroprojekt d.o.o.

Aleja Blaža Jurišića 9
HR-10040, Zagreb, Croatia

Slavonska avenija 50
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

T/F:+385 1 2455 659

Company registration data

MB: 03552624 |Personal Identification Number OIB: 10067934951 ♦ Bank Name: Zagrebačka banka ♦ Giro-account: 2360000-1101431443 ♦ IBAN: HR0823600001101431443 ♦ Business entity registered with the Commercial Court in Zagreb under Company’s registration number: MBS: 080037797 ♦ Stock capital 21.000,00 HRK paid in entirety. ♦ Founders/members of the Company: Damir Ježić - sole founder Ltd. ♦ Person authorized for representing: Damir Ježić, director - represents the Company solely and independently.